I know…
Life is hard.
What can I say to one of My children who loses a child to cancer? Words are inadequate to lessen sorrow. There are no answers to questions like, “Why this child?” or “Why now?” and “What do I do now?”
Another question you may have is, “Where are you God, and what were you thinking when this horrible thing happened? ” This site should give you a glimpse into My personality and thoughts in a human way, that your mind can comprehend. To know the real Me is incomprehensible to a human mind on planet Earth…at least it is for now.
If I were to telephone and speak to you during times of suffering, perhaps these are some things you could understand that I might say to you:
1. “I know how you feel. I feel your feelings first hand. I understand suffering. I created it. In the midst of anguish, you will see my face. Through your suffering, we will grow closer.
2. In the midst of your struggles, I love you; with an everlasting love.
3. You’re not alone. I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
4. I want you to feel blessed and to have grace.
5. Nothing bad in this world can separate you from Me. Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor demons . . . nor anything else in all creation can separate you from My love.
6. Pain is part of life. I created it for you. In this world, you will have trouble. It’s part of my plan. It is the meaning of your life.
7. Lean on me. I speak through your heart
8. Trust that I can make you strong.
9. Tragedy brings good. In all things. Think about this for a minute and remind yourself to find the GOOD in the tragedy I provide.
10. Nothing – not even death – can hurt you.
11. Life will be difficult; but you can endure, and even overcome, any struggle. No matter what happens in your lifetime, nothing here can steal your hope. Pain, suffering, tears and death is only Earthly.
12. Life may be filled with what you perceive as sorrow, but it won’t be as hopeless. Find bravery in your Heart.
13. My love overcomes any situation, burden, or grief — no matter how great.
I love you.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Izanagi and Izanami
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